Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Week 11

Harry Potter - The Order of The Phoenix

00 09 44 - 00 09 50 Big Ben
01 13 26 - 01 13 38 Castle
01 33 19 - 01 33 22 Castle
01 58 51 - 01 59 00 Castle
02 03 01 - 02 03 06 Castle

National Treasures 2

00 21 13 - 00 21 42 - Arch de Triumph/ Eiffel Tower/ Statue of Liberty
002504 - 002509 - Big Ben
002528-002546 Statue of Liberty
002557-002559 Buckingham Palace
003538-003543 Buckingham Palace
003734-003735 Buckingham Palace

005556-005604 White House
012120-012132 Mount Rushmore
012326-012334 Mount Rushmore

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Week 10

Draft Report Layout
-Contents Page
-Text Page
-2 alternate image styled pages (mid chapter and end chapter)

Scanning through the movies has been very time consuming, with no guarantee of good footage so i began to explore alternatives.

Moving on from the idea of gathering all the footage from film, i began looking for youtube videos (HD) and aerial shots on stock footage sites like

this is some footage captured of the Statue of Liberty

Point Cloud of the Statue of Liberty in MeshLab

Look at:
1. Men in Black Guggenheim (The first scene featuring Will Smith chasing down an alien starts near Grand Central Station, and then he follows the alien up into the white spiral of the Guggenheim Museum. )
2. Statue of Liberty - Will Smith helps deliver a baby alien squid, is actually Liberty Park in Jersey City, opposite the Statue of Liberty.
3. The Lincoln Memorial and National Mall. (Forrest Gump is another such movie which makes good use of landmarks in the Carolinas, Washington DC and Los Angeles as part of the plot. The Lincoln Memorial and the National Mall are famous attractions in Washington DC which have been featured in many movies, including Mr Smith Goes to Washington, National Treasure and Wedding Crashers.Los Angeles landmarks in Forrest Gump include the Santa Monica Pier, Grauman's Chinese Theater and the historic Ambassador Hotel which was demolished in 2006)
4. Dark Knight (Chicago)
5. Vertigo (San Francisco)
6. When Harry Met Sally (New York)
7. Empire State Building which, according to IMDB, has starred in 77 movies, 4 television shows, 3 video games and 8 short films. Empire State Building played pivotal roles include both the 1933 and latest versions of King Kong, An Affair to remember, and Sleepless in Seattle.

Britain's most famous spy, James Bond, generally spends little time in London, other than to receive his orders from his boss 'M'. However, some of the films do feature locations in the city. These include On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969) in which George Lazenby as Bond visits the College of Arms and For Your Eyes Only (1981), in which Roger Moore experiences a hair-raising helicopter flight over the Docklands area. In the more recent Pierce Brosnan films, the Secret Service's headquarters are identified as being the new MI6 building on the River Thames at Vauxhall. The 1999 film The World Is Not Enough opens with an extended boat chase from the MI6 building down the river to the Millennium Dome, while in Die Another Day (2002) Bond visits a secret base in a disused Underground station, and makes a rare trip to his club Blades. The 1967 version of Casino Royale makes extensive use of London locations, including 10 Downing Street, Whitehall, Trafalgar Square (with Nelson's Column replaced by a flying saucer) as well as the Changing of the Guard outside Buckingham Palace.

Met with Jeremy on Wednesday.
talk to Josh about reducing the focus to one landmark on film purely because of the time factor spent scrubbing through films at 8X and then only extracting one still image of a landmark, or a blurry image.
Use a combination of film and stock to produce synth
Develop one landmark to the point of 3D printing (export as .stl)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Week 9

List of films set in Sydney

Looking for Alabrandi
Mission Impossible II
Our Lips are Sealed
Dirty Deeds
Garage Days
Finding Nemo
Godzilla: Final Wars
Strictly Ballroom
The Combination

Using XiliSoft to rip DVD footage

MI:II (opera house)
00:00:00 - 00:30:00
34:20:00 - 36:20:00
01:58:40:00 - 01:58:50:00

scenes ellected from MI:2

+Richard Hammonds Documentry on The Opera House
+Footage found on YouTube

Showreel of Opera House

Images are then exported from the above showreel to images at 10 FPS


Create a new synth at

STEP 1 - Download Synth and watch Photosynth output

STEP 2 - Put Pictures in Distort Folder

STEP 3 - Prepare for PMVS2

Run "launch_pmvs_(SOH)"

STEP 4 - Create Visibility File

STEP 5 - Download HD Synth Pictures

These are the files generated from running the PhotoSynth Toolkit 7 and can now be used to generate the geometry.

The .ply file is then dragged into MeshLab workspace

Week 8

Cover Page

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
1.1 Overview
1.2 Aims and Objectives
1.3 Motivation and Purpose

2. The Project
2.1 Who is the Client?
2.2 The brief
2.3 The deliverables

3.0 Precedent Studies
3.1 From 2d Base Map to 3d City Model
3.2 An application of Photogrammetry Measuring Technology
3.3 Digitally Documenting D-Day
3.4 An Update on Automatic 3D Building Reconstruction
3.5 Data Generation for CAAD with Digital Photogrammetry
3.6 City model Enrichment

4.0 Development
4.1 Meetings
4.2 Weekly Updates
4.3 Software
4.4 Photography
4.5 Video/DVD search
4.6 Showreel generation
4.7 Reconstruction/Workflow
4.8 Results
4.9 Problems encountered

5.0 Reflection
5.1 What i have learnt
5.2 Where to from here
5.3 Client Feedback

6.0 References and Bibliography

7.0 Appendix

This Week i had a look at VisualSFM

read through some user info

i dont really understand how to make it all work at the moment

I continued creating synths and compiling my list of films.
Also installed Quicktime pro in order to export still images from DVDs.