Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Week 11

Harry Potter - The Order of The Phoenix

00 09 44 - 00 09 50 Big Ben
01 13 26 - 01 13 38 Castle
01 33 19 - 01 33 22 Castle
01 58 51 - 01 59 00 Castle
02 03 01 - 02 03 06 Castle

National Treasures 2

00 21 13 - 00 21 42 - Arch de Triumph/ Eiffel Tower/ Statue of Liberty
002504 - 002509 - Big Ben
002528-002546 Statue of Liberty
002557-002559 Buckingham Palace
003538-003543 Buckingham Palace
003734-003735 Buckingham Palace

005556-005604 White House
012120-012132 Mount Rushmore
012326-012334 Mount Rushmore

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