Friday, August 19, 2011

Precedent Study 4

Study 4 - An Update on Automatic 3D Building Reconstruction - Norbert Haala and Martin Kada

Photogrammetry has been around for around 2 decades. This paper looks at current approaches in order to comprehensively elaborate on the reconstruction methods and their principles from polyhedral building objects which represent the blueprint of a building and the roof to more detailed facade geometries from terrestrial data collection.

It seems to be that fully automated image understanding is hard to solve, semi automatic components are usually required to support the recognition of very complex buildings. Suitable image matching software (like what i am using -Photosynth), can generate 3d point clouds and at an accuracy, reliability and detail which was only feasible by LiDAR measurements.

The interactive visualisations of 3d city models were open to the public by applications such as Google Earth and Bing MAps. These visualisations are very coarse and limited to roof structures and planer facades. A considerable number of approaches have been developed to collect 3D building models at acceptable effort for complete city area, but such models feature flat facades and distinctive roof structures. This data is available to a large group of users (via Google Earth) and frequently maintained and used for planning purposes. Facade is however, the most identifying feature of a building usually and the problem is that this is emitted from these models or is very flat. I want to develop this in my project and perhaps think of ways that these facades can be recorded at greater detail.

"Applications like Google Street View or Microsoft Streetside use images collected from such mobile mapping systems to generate panoramic views of urban areas at street level. In this context, these views supplement the oblique images from airborne platforms. Georeferenced video streams as collected from mobile mapping systems can alternatively be used for more advanced real-time visualizations. As an example, large scale 3D reconstructions of street scenes are e.g. required for car navigation systems. Such an approach, which aims at the generation of realistically textured surface models at video frame rates, is e.g. described by Cornelis et al., 2008 " - N. Cornelis, B. Leibe, K. Cornelis and L. Van Gool, 3D urban scene modeling integrating recognition and reconstruction, International Journal of Computer Vision 78 (2–3) (2008), pp. 121–141. Full Text via CrossRef | View Record in Scopus | Cited By in Scopus (38)Cornelis et al. (2008).

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