Saturday, August 20, 2011

Precedent Study 6

Study 6 - ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing - City model Enrichment - Philip D. Smart, Jonathan A. Quinn, Christopher B. Jones

This paper explores how freely available sources of georeferenced Web 2.0 information can be used for automated enrichment of 3D city models. There are many motivations for the production of these models, including:

visualising landscapes (planning and development)

virtual tours and games

radio communications network planning

providing detailed information about an individuals immediate environment through the use of Augmented Reality techniques.

Using these techniques, the information and geometry of nearby features can be overlaid on live video or still images of the environment. It is brought to my attention that the effectiveness of these 3D models depends not so much on visualisation but upon good quality annotation and information that can be associated with the model. There may be a need to link these 3D models to other sources for a richer experience, these may include Wikipedia where there is a large number of georeferenced articles about buildings, places, and other landmarks. OpenStreetMap and Geonames gazetteer are other resources.


The combination of the 2D and 3D models results in a well segmented set of buildings which are accurate to the ground plan, problems matching the two at times is a concern and methods to resolve this are being examined, for example using fuzzy matching techniques that take into account the proximity of multiple point references from the different sources and the identification of potentially important building geometry.

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